Civil War Reenactors West Virginia Cavalry Company C First Regiment


Welcome to the First Regiment West Virginia Cavalry, Company "C" web site. Our Organization The "First Regiment West Virginia Cavalry, Inc" is (501) (3-C) non-profit educational living history re-enactment group. We are a family oriented organization. The purpose of the 1st WV Cavalry is to educate the public through civil war living history and reenacting. If you are interested in re-enacting and having fun while doing it we would love to welcome you and your family to join us. Events are open to all family members who are required to be in period dress as either soldier or civilian. We are a family oriented group which participates in events within West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virgina, and Maryland.
We want you for US Cavalry!
Cavalry Uniform and Equipment The following list of equipment is what you would be required to purchase to participate in an event. Although equipment can be expensive at certain sutlers, we can provide some loaner gear or point you in the right direction to get the best deal for your money. Please check with your squad leader before purchasing.
Cavalry Shell (Dress Uniform) Sack Coat (Fatigues) and Sky Blue Trousers - Cavalry version has a padded seat, but would only be required if you were riding - Suspenders will be needed
Period Shirt (any color) Boots or Brogans Slouch Hat, Kepi, or Bummer
1840 Heavy Saber or 1860 Light Saber (For inspection only, usually not taken on the field)
Leathers - Saber Belt, Cap Pouch, Holster, Carbine Cartridge Box, and Carbine Sling. (Pistol Cartridge box - but not necessary)
Sharps Carbine 1859
Sharps Carbine 1863
Smith Carbine
Spencer Carbine
1858 Remington
 1860 Colt Army
 1861 Colt Navy